Friday, May 18, 2007

2.9 Million Add High-Speed Internet in the First Quarter of 2007

In case you are still on the fence about streaming, podcasting and creating a powerful portal/search engine your listener community can trust, hopefully this new info will convince you that it's (past!) time.

According to Leichtman Research Group, Inc., the nineteen largest cable and telephone providers in the US, representing about 94% of the market, acquired over 2.9 million net additional high-speed Internet subscribers in the first quarter of 2007.

The top broadband providers now account for 56.2 million subscribers, with cable companies having over 30.7 million broadband subscribers, and telephone companies having over 25.4 million subscribers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The 10,000 Foot View

Terrestrial radio was having a great run when in 1996 the U.S. Congress passed a bill that allowed consolidation among broadcast companies expanding ownership by any given company within a radio market. The buying and selling frenzy which followed this legislation had never been experienced before and the industry was excited about the prospect of how cost savings and sales strategies developed by virtue of these consolidations would improve the radio business and make it more competitive than ever.

However, no sooner than consolidators began to operate their large market clusters did radio find itself faced with new technologies that individually in the beginning didn't pose much perceived threat but would become a competitive juggernaut when considered together.

In the 9 years since 1998 when Napster first was introduced into the consumer consciousness, traditional radio has been met with severe new competitive considerations. In many ways, the volume of competition has been a compliment to an industry that had been experiencing double-digit revenue growth rates through the nineties.

Click on Dave's name/link and see more data on where things are going right now for radio and listeners.