Saturday 12:45pm – 2:00pm, Umbria Room, Delta Regina
Seminar: Albright & O’Malley’s Canada Country Radio Roadmap 2007
Two just completed Albright & O’Malley national studies of Canadian country radio listeners, a national perceptual research project in conjunction with Mercury Research guru Mark Ramsey, and a national test of almost 700 songs using MediaScore. What actions should Canadian country broadcasters be taking right now in light of these new findings? Jaye Albright for A&O will report on the facts and then a panel comprised of some of Canada’s best programmers will build a plan of action.
Saturday 2:15pm – 3:30pm - Music Meeting 101
Seminar: Why Aren’t They Playing My Song?
You’re sure “it’s the song”. You work tirelessly to push it through the recording process. You get it to radio, to the powers that be, but your song doesn’t make the cut. Find out why. Did you know only 1 or 2 songs are added to radio playlists each week – from all sources? That radio in 2007 heard a lot of music that was poorly produced, had soft vocals, badly structured songs, and more. How do we know? They’re coming to Country Music Week to tell you about it. Top Canadian MDs and PDs hold a real, live “Music Meeting” – something usually held behind closed doors, to tell it like it is with current music charts, up to minute music delivery systems, and the realities for artists on what it takes to get on the air.
Sunday 2:15pm 3:30pm
Seminar: 180 Light Bulbs for Broadcasters in 90 Minutes
Jaye Albright unpacks her bags full of fresh ideas, tactics and strategies culled from top country radio stations all over North America. Grab a coffee, and join a fact-paced brainstorm that will draw you into its vortex and we’re betting it won’t be long before you start sharing your best from the past year. All attendees will receive take-aways.
Two other Sunday sessions not to be missed: "Live Performance Coaching" with Nashville's Tom Jackson (very applicable to air personalities as well as musicians and other artists/performers)
Our goal, thanks to CCMA: give you lots of ideas you can implement right after the convention at your station. See you in Saskatchewan!