Take a look, and a listen, to two innovative approaches:
.. at Greater Media, Boston
Note how viral they are trying to be. Social networking, and NO corporate logos anywhere to be seen. Although, of course, viral is when they tell their friends about US.. not just US trying to get them to do so, but these two seem well worth keeping an eye on. Have you heard anything new lately to bring teens back to the traditional radio dial which impressed YOU?
Looks like Generation Y thinks HD Radio is laughable:
"Can Sony Make HD Radio A Winner?"
"So, the old consumers don't want HD. Young consumers think the concept is laughable. Big retailers can't sell it. And radio companies won't invest in it."
We hear it all too often: “What about radio’s future? Kids today are losing interest in radio. What can the industry do?”
With the Personal People Meter now rating radio listeners 6+, we’re beginning to have a better idea of what kids are listening to. But that metric only skims the surface.
This week Bridge Ratings releases its new study on the media preferences of Tweens, those 8-12 year olds who hold radio’s future in their little hands.
The study reveals some fascinating insights:
· Radio listening among 8-12 year olds us up this month from February while Teen listening is down.
· Tweens love radio and intend on listening to it more in the future!
· 62% of the 8-12 year olds in the study say they like listening to the radio and have very specific station preferences.
While much has been written about Teen radio listening attrition, radio can be hopeful about developing future content for today’s Tweens – tomorrow’s young adults.
It’s a fascinating expose of the youngest segment of radio’s audience – one that holds the key to the future of the radio business.
Read more at www.bridgeratings.com or by clicking here: http://www.bridgeratings.com/press_07.25.07%20Tween%20Prefs.htm
Hate to say this, but Bridge was way off about the number of HD radios sold - initially, Bridge projected 2.5 million HD radios sold this year, down to 1.5 million, then to no more than 500,000. Struble admitted to no more than 150,000 HD radios sold so far, which would not include returns and his obvious fudge-factor. After researching HD Radio completely for a year, I would put that number in the tens-of-thousands, at best. Bridge's estimates for 8 to 12-year olds may be correct, but I can tell you that none of my boys' many high-school friends listen to terrestrial radio - they ALL have iPods, cell phones, and some with in-dash Satellite Radio. Speaking of Satellite Radio, looks like automakers, including the Big Three are going with Satellite Radio, not HD Radio. According to Jerry Del Colliano, iBiquity is already starting to look at other alternatives, whatever those might be (yea, right).
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