Smart phones (66.4%) and homemade Christmas gifts (62.4%) also rated well with consumers.

Those over 35 are more likely to pick up a copy of Going Rogue by Sarah Palin or Susan Boyle’s CD, while Guitar Hero is a top pick among those under 35.
What’s not?
Like the Snuggies we surveyed before them, men are particularly not fond of women’s leggings…but what do men know about women’s fashions, right?
As Congressional Democrats hurry to raise the debt ceiling and pass the sweeping healthcare reform before the Christmas holiday, Americans are voicing their displeasure with government spending. According to the latest American Pulse™ Survey of over 5,000 people, 61.2% of Americans are against raising the debt ceiling, 24% are for it and 14.8% are apathetic.
47.5% of Americans say they don’t want money allocated towards another stimulus package (27.1% say yes and 25.4% don’t know). 45.1% disagree with President Obama’s assertion that we must continue to “spend our way out of this recession.”
49.9% say that President Obama hasn’t done a good job at restoring fiscal responsibility in Washington, 24.3% believe he has while 25.7% don’t know.
Regarding healthcare, 63.6% say the Democrats should give Republicans more participation in writing the healthcare reform legislation. Further, 46% say the reform will not result in better healthcare and only 22.2% think the reform will result in lower healthcare costs.
On to other headlines, reports about Tiger Woods’ personal life have changed the opinion of him as an athlete for 35.2% of Americans, but hasn’t had an impact on over half (54.8%). 1 in 10 say they will boycott products he endorses.
Quick holiday hits:
51.4% of holiday shoppers are staying on budget; 10.7% admit to overspending.
53.8% will not attend religious services this holiday. 30.5% regularly attend religious services throughout the year and 15.7% attend during the holidays.
65% say we shouldn’t pull the plug on Christmas lights in an effort to be more green, 20.5% disagree.
Mariah Carey beats out Britney Spears for best version of “All I Want for Christmas” (27.7% v. 4.4%). However, “neither” gets the most votes at 67.8%.
Lenny Michael Ovadia: amazing.
Donovan Short: I'm accepting seed capital for my "Water & Sky: Wet and Blue?" project if you want in.
Catherine Lane: lol
Michael Bell: I can't understand why, I loved wearing my robe on backwards for years. The Snuggie is a quantum leap forward. And to think it all began with a dude in a hospital gown who thought to himself, "This would ROCK if it was made out of fleece!"
Jim Smith: The burger joint commercial showing Rance Howard (Ronnie's dad) wearing a Snuggie just cracks me up! IF anyone were to like Snuggies, don't you thnk it would be a character like Rance always seems to play?
Patti Shea: Snuggies are ridiculous. Right until you've put one on, lying on the couch with the remote and snacks.
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