When it comes to excuses on "why I don't need to do that," I've heard them all.
1. "I don't need to do remotes or other personal appearances. It kills the theater of the mind I create. I'd prefer to use the magic of radio and have them picture me the way they want to. If they meet me face to face, that's gone."
Nice try. My theory on this one is that this person is naturally shy and insecure. Maybe they got into radio so they could be outgoing and be themself without ever having to face rejection.
As their manager/coach, assure them that everyone is insecure and shy and those of us in the entertainment business can't be as successful as our potential if we don't face and overcome that demon.
Sometimes you simply have to force them out of that comfort zone, placing a set number of remote broadcasts and public appearances in their employment agreement so they have no choice but to do them if they want the job.
Make them get out in front of the broadcast desk close to people, looking each listener they meet directly in the eye and repeat the listener's name as least three times as they interact with them.
Often, this alone fixes the problem as they begin to realize that people who come wanting to meet them enjoy their personality and they have nothing to fear.
2. "I don't do social media. My entire show is social."
No, it's not. It's a broadcast. If you get too personal on AM/FM radio by playing every request people ask for, using every phone call you get on air without editing them, your ratings are going to go down because your show will be loved by the folks who call, but boring to the mass audience.
If being on the radio for you is just to have people call you and tell you how wonderful you are because you do your show just for them, you're never going to be as successful if you talk to everyone, but do it with a "one to one" vocabulary.
Your task when the microphone is open is to curate everything that is going on right now. Choose only the best material and maximum value to the listener who chooses to sample you.
Keep them listening longer by being as entertaining and engaging as possible.
Use all of your social tools to build those personal relationships one person at a time.
Tailor which social platforms you use to the tastes of each individual listener. Use them all, but don't broadcast one post to all of them. Consider what makes a
user of each platform choose that one and make sure they know you understand what makes them unique and special, not just a number in your database.
Need a good example of how this is done? I have one word for you:
If her great example along with those intellectual/logical explanations don't work, I go for the jugular and tell the personality that
failing to use every medium at their disposal in exactly the way its users expect will cost them competitively in the ratings.
To #1: if you don't get out into the community and also use social and expect the audience to grow every day, you better be the most consistently entertaining personality available to your target in every minute of every day so that they never get tempted to try anything else. Cume is always going down unless you work hard to keep it growing.
To #2: If you knew exactly who had ratings diaries or was carrying a Personal People Meter right now, wouldn't you want to take extra care to find out what they are doing, what they like and dislike?
Try this experiment:
Go to the mall and randomly ask people if they have ever participated in the radio ratings. If you ask 100 people, you'll be lucky to find five who say yes.
At your next public appearance or remote broadcast, ask the very same question
(do NOT do it on social platforms or you'll probably get delisted!) and you'll find that as many as one in ten (
or even more) answer in the affirmative.
The point is not to do stealth marketing, but to prove to your recalcitrant talent:
The people who reach out to you socially and come out to say hello to you are more than twice as likely as the average person to participate in the radio ratings when they receive that call.
Don't you want as real and close a relationship with them as you can possibly have?