If you've heard or seen Nick anywhere, at a seminar or even on
his own website, you've no doubt been exposed to at least a part of his approach to imaging anything today:
"The secret of all great radio is great story telling. Great radio is made when intimacy and emotion are used to connect the audience to what is coming out of the speakers."
Understanding radio and what makes it different.
1: Emotion
Radio is an emotional medium. More than television, more than print, it is best at conveying emotion.
Radio messages work best when they are driven by an emotion. Take full advantage of radio's emotional nature by writing for it. The power of emotion over facts is evident on radio.
Save the facts for print. Print is where facts can be enjoyed, perused at leisure, re-read and referred to.
2: Give it a face and a name
When writing an image ad for radio, always try to personalize it by giving it a face and a name.
Instead of "When the weather gets bad , turn to News-Radio 1100, First with weather facts and school closings."
Try to build the message around a person not a concept.
" This is Marie Jenkins, her twelve year old son Ronnie has kidney disease. He needs dialysis or he could die. When Marie needs to know about weather, she turns to News-Radio 1100, Because to her, the weather, can be a matter of life and death."This stresses the user benefit of the station and the personal nature of the message does not cause listener tune out.
3: In an over communicated world a whisper becomes a scream.
The environment into which your message is sent is hostile. Your message must factor this in from the very beginning or it is doomed to fail. Too many messages means only a few get through. Is yours one of them?
4: Don't burden the listener.
Never forget that the listener can only take home one thought. Trying to make the message carry more weight than it can causes the listener to be burdened.
5: Words are the enemy in a message.
Too many words. Wherever possible establish mood with sound not words.
6: Write powerfully, read humbly.
If the words are powerful, you do not need to add any power to them with your voice. Lose all the additional vocal power and let the word power shine through. If the words are not powerfully written, get better writers.
7: Creativity is perspective
Deliver your message from a different perspective. Be different.
Tomorrow: Journal Knoxville PD Paul Orr takes this all one step further for stations in competitive situations.