... until you ask:
Does Nielsen/Numeris have all current facilities information? Have we reviewed the market slogan file? Are any stations in the market reporting a slogan that they are not using on-air as per frequency standards? How might this impact us negatively or positively?
Has there been any shift in audience composition by demographic or gender? Has there been movement in sharing patterns with key competitors? If so, is there a real trend? Should research parameters be adjusted accordingly?
Does the most recent book analysis uncover opportunities to recycle available cume? Do current TSL trends indicate library rotations may require adjustment?
In the U.S., have we tracked zip codes for diary placement, return in target demos, highest AQH versus cume counted, etc.? In Canada, where privacy laws restrict this info, have you used your own database to understand where your listeners live and work? Does the marketing dept. and their outside vendors know how to exploit this data to maximize ratings and strengthen cash flow? Do they have access to audience mapping technologies?
Was there anything abnormal in the previous survey? When was the last time the station ordered a diary review, PD Advantage or other in depth study of PPM usage? Do we know if we get more credit for slogan, call letters or frequency? Are we using digital frequency in our primary identifier? Is this being picked up by the survey?
Does an hour-by-hour (and in PPM, quarter hour by quarter hour or minute by minute) analysis show significant tune-in or tune-out for a target cell? Might it be attributed to a regular feature or contest? Should it be repeated later in the day/week or deleted?
Are there any daypart specific programs, especially on weekends that are “performers?” Are they placed for optimal exposure to available targeted cume? Might the station benefit from a repeat performance in the same broadcast week?
Does the station have a data cruncher expert on staff, at your consultant or other vendors? Have they generated and distributed pertinent reports and tools from the last market measurement?
Does the station have a Qualitative expert on staff? Have they conducted a meeting for air personalities to hone content targeting? (Note: CMA organizational members can receive free reports from the Country Music Association.)
Do we have a graduate of "Ratings University" in our employment roster? Have they shared their insight to “the game”? If not, when is that Numeris/Nielsen road-show coming to the area?
A recent A&O&B Facebook post from Jaye got quite a bit of attention.
It concerned a story by the Las Vegas Review-Journal’s Todd Prince
speculating about ...
7 years ago
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