Saturday, August 11, 2007

Know Your Enemy: The New Mobile Marketing Medium

Ball State University advertising professor Michael Hanley has found that 56.3% of the students he has tracked over a two-year period accepted ads if they would get something for free - such as premium content or consumer promotions - in exchange.

About 37.4% of college students said it would only take the offer of a free ring tone for them to accept advertisements on their cell phones, while 21.4% preferred a discount or coupon to a restaurant, movie or grocery store and 20% wanted free minutes, upgrades, access to the Internet or music.

"Just a couple of years ago few college students accepted ads on their mobile devices because they felt it was an invasion of their privacy. Now all you have to do is offer free ring tones, cash or access to the Internet because this age group has grown up with cell phones and other mobile devices. It is the way they communicate with each other as well as with the outside

The study also found 36.7% of college students received a text message advertisement in 2007, up 13% from 2005.

David Letterman's alma mater is doing some very interesting work, well worth watching, on the future of radio and outdoor's (at least for now!) exclusive turf, mobile marketing.

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