Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Is His Surgery To Have His "Apostrophe's" Removed?

All of Canada and a bunch of his international fans too are holding a good thought for Broadcast Dialogue Publisher Howard Christensen as he recovers today from a Tuesday surgery.

Usually, his weekly broadcast news email goes out on Thursdays, but he sent this week's out just as he was going to the hospital, including this item:
Lindor Reynolds, writing in the Winnipeg Free Press, took a shot at, among others, BOB FM Winnipeg for the misuse of apostrophes. The Cranky Grammar Lady is fed up with the use of TV's, CD's and VCR's plus, she writes, “yes, BOB FM, I mean you and your 80's, 90's and more whatever than ever before". To be fair, while BOB may be the culprit in Winnipeg, virtually every station in North America makes the same punctuation mistake. (Ed’s note: I once challenged a campus station professor for the same thing. He said they kicked it around and concluded that, punctuation aside, “the apostrophes made the slogan look better”).

One thing's certain: whatever they removed in that surgery, I am betting that they left his sense of humor intact!

Cheers to you, Howard. Get well quick.

1 comment:

Ingrid Christensen said...

Howard's 4 1/2 hour surgery went well and the doctor is VERY happy with the end result.

While he was understandably in quite a bit of pain today, he indeed did not lose his sense of humour!!

He even made me laugh despite the fact that after 12 hours sitting around the hospital MY humour had disappeared.