Thursday, January 06, 2005


Don Peppers and Martha Rogers are "1 to 1" experts and if you haven't read at least ONE of their books by now you need to remedy that immediately.

And, if you think that the following item from their e-letter doesn't concern you, please pick up the phone and dial 206 498-6261 so I can explain it to you:

The music industry's been hit hard with competitive pressures, consolidation and technology obstacles. One record label turned to a customer interaction strategy to stay on top of the charts. Go to:

Trying to maximize a customer’s value is roughly the equivalent of maximizing that customer’s trust in your company. And although trust is the welcome consequence of any successful customer relationship, it is not something to take for granted. It can be eroded by bad business practices just as surely as your bottom line can be eroded. Go to:

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