Friday, April 08, 2005

Learning From Fox News

USA Today's Peter Johnson has a fun (if not 'fair and balanced') profile of Fox News CEO Roger Ailes portions of a recent media breakfast, who says Fox News has no agenda. His charge to his reporters and anchors is simple: "If you make a mistake, get on the air as fast as you can and admit it. ... Do your homework. Make sure you reach out to a point of view you don't agree with to be sure you have some balance in your piece, because journalists, despite the public perception, are not empty-headed fools. They actually come to the job with some ideas and biases."

Ailes certainly practices what he preaches in his late 80's book, "You Are the Message." Fox News' success is proof that it works. If you haven't read Ailes' "Identity-Based Communications" philosophy, I highly commend it to your attention.

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