Cheap Date
Have listeners give you stories of their mates typical Valentine's Day plans. Find the person who normally spends the most money and award them a "Cheap Date" package that includes: A box dinner or gift certificates to a fast-food restaurant, a rent-a-wreck for the night or bus fare, and obstructed-view seats at a concert or sporting event. Have the person who is the real "Cheap Date" win a deluxe dinner, limo, tickets to big city event, etc. can just award your listeners "Cheap Dates" with the above prize package.
Give away a divorce for Valentine's Day. Listeners call-in or register on-line to tell their stories and the couple judged as "Most Unlikely Couple" wins. Have the audience vote on-line. Make sure you talk to your attroney before jumping into this one.
Day Of Love
Play love songs all day on-air and/or on-line for Valentine's Day. Announce at least a week prior that you will be celebrating a day of love on Valentine's with "all love songs, all day long". Have listeners/consumers call-in special "I Love You's" to air between the songs.
Our Song
Couples call, fax or register on-line with their name, phone number and favorite love song. Play the requested songs on-air the week prior to Valentine's Day. When a couple hears their song, they have to call the station on two seperate phone lines to win a free Valentine's Day dinner.
Singles Night
Hold a "singles' night" event at one or several locations to help single listeners find a mate. Have one event at a popular club for the party crowd, one at a popular grocery store, one at a popular book store or library, etc. Have "team" games for attendees to play at each event to encourage mingling and meeting.
Heart Run/Walk
Set-up a local fun run/walk prior to or on Valnetine's Day. Charge a small registration fee for participants to enter with all proceeds benefiting the charity. Produce a Valentine Heart t-shirt for all who participate. You can also tie-in additional partners/clients to help provide food, beverages and additional prizes.
Have a personality covered in chocolate standing inside a staging area. Invite attendees to buy a bag of "nuts" to benefit the charity and use those to toss at the chocolate covered personality. Award the "nut tosser" $10 in play money for every nut that sticks so they may use it to buy donated items from local merchants.
Balloon of Love
ITEMS NEEDED: Blown-up balloons, a stop watch (optional) and several couple's to participate. The object is for the couple to stand face-to-face and when you say "go" move a blown-up balloon from their knees to their waist with out using their hands and pop it. The stopwatch is only necessary if you decide to bring the couple's out one at a time otherwise the first pop wins. Tips: With the couple standing face-to-face, place the blown-up balloon at their knees and have them press against it lightly so it stays in place. Hands behind their back. Once the balloon is at their waist area they can hug tightly and to the balloon.
Desperate and Dateless
The week or day before Valentine's Day hold an on-air "Desperate and Dateless" game where you hook up two (2) dateless listeners. The winner's receive a night on the town including: limo, dinner and a show. Make sure you have them report back to you after the date to see if you made a connection.
Thanks to's Sammy Simpson for the ideas.
A recent A&O&B Facebook post from Jaye got quite a bit of attention.
It concerned a story by the Las Vegas Review-Journal’s Todd Prince
speculating about ...
7 years ago
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