Hopefully, it won't be too long until all cell phone music player manufacturers realize that the #1 extra consumers want is an FM radio built in too.
First one in will sell a bunch, I bet!
Radio Programming Ideas For Personalities and Programmers, Especially Country Radio Broadcasters.
Jaye, why?
Adding an FM radio (why not an AM, too or satellite?) means that there has to be multiple models depending on which country they are trying to sell in to. The simple answer is that any station that streams on the Internet is on the iPhone, Nokia or anything else. Plus instead just a one-way broadcast, you can now add NTR plus interactive chat, requests, artist info and things we haven't even thought of yet!
Bob Perry
Regent goes Radiolicious – thus making all 57 station streams available on iPhone and iPod
Touch devices, anywhere. Regent’s VP of Technology and Digital Media Larry Downes says Cincy-based
Regent Communications is the first major radio group to sign to put all its streams onto Radiolicious,
which is a free download at the iPhone App Store, created by MySimBook.
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