The recession continues to hit home with American workers: 27% didn’t receive a raise, 19% had hours reduced and 18.5% didn’t get a bonus. Further, the controversial card check legislation is not favored by Americans. 74.3% say when employees vote on union issues, their vote should be kept secret. More union households (78.6%) than non-union households (73.6%) agree.
42.5% of Americans think now is a good time to buy stock. If only they had some extra cash...just 23.4% of those are buying. So what’s the fix for the economic mess? Americans feel moving manufacturing back on U.S. soil will help (56.6%), while 45.9% say lower taxes. Interestingly, 45.1% say ‘we the people’ is the answer.
Verbatim posts on BIGresearch and Artafact’s blog:
“..AIG is getting more money. That is putting good money after bad in my book. One bailout to a customer I say!”
“Now is the perfect time to begin re-manufacturing in the USA. The economy is already depressed which means salaries and other associated expenses are down.”
“It’s great to be able to buy stock while prices are down, but when your husband gets laid off in October, and it’s March and he can't even get an interview, it’s the last thing on your mind!”
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