Saturday, March 08, 2014

Stunting For Fun And Profit

Horror of horrors!
... and, like Captain Renault: I'm shocked, shocked!  Imagine that!  Broadcasters and entertainers making plans to profit from stunting!

Jaye's axiom of stunting:  the more you play with and deceive us, the more often you had better really entertain us too.

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1 comment:

Holly Gleason said...

i love you...
& stunts ONLY matter if the goods ARE good
the Bobby Bones thing was so transparent, I cringed -- and I think he's cleverer than that. But that doesn't mean "group think" can't undo what is magic, quixotic or just lightning fast brilliance in their "knowing better" and "being sure."

Thanks for calling the hand what it is -- and (hopefully) making people think twice before employing bad gags in the name of promotion.